Pink Jelly

Tripping Daisy


- One day, I was walking down a long narrow path in the jungle, 
with nothing on my feet. 
Each step felt like mud, but the ground was made of dirt. 
But it was perfect there. It was like looking at the ground, 
and seeing it 'round, well, picture it purple. 
Each step I took left a green footprint. 
The trees were yellow, as a matter of fact, 
everything that was usually green was now yellow. 
Bright yellow. And then everything I'd bump into or touch would turn blue with clouds. 
The sky was orange with black birds flying around, and in the distance, 
I could see this mountain coming up.
And it seemed like the closer I got, the worse the smell became. 
After a quick sprint, I was there, and I touched this mountain and 
realized it was a big piece of shit! My first thought was (????), 
but reality sucked me around, and I knew it was the jolly white giant, 
takin' a squat on the jungle floor, dumbass! 
Well, I preceeded down my little path, not knowing what I would find and 
not really prepared to encounter anything, being since I had no clothes on and no bag of tricks. 
But that didn't slow me down, 
I kept marching on, and what did I see, but the most wonderful girl I had ever seen. 
Everything was properly graced, however, there was only one drawback. She was pink. 
I thought, would that be a good match? Pink and gold? You see, I was gold. Well, we 
touched and looked, and smiled, because we did match, or didn't. You see, mud can be 
any color it wants to be. So now, I had a friend to walk the rest of the journey with, 
and her name was Pink Jelly. Pink Jelly was real cool, she could hold her breath and 
change colors. Sometimes, she was known as "Psycho Jelly" or "Psychadelic Color Chick". 
Anyway, that was one of her many talents. It was nice, having Pink Jelly along for the 
ride. Although we would rarely talk, we would spit color on each other, and stare at 
what we spit. There was this one time when Pink Jelly was getting kind of cold, so I 
spit some (????) on her, and warmed her up. You know, that made me feel real good 
inside, knowing that I helped Pink Jelly stay warm. I had the biggest golden smile 
for the rest of the day, as we continued to walk down the wonderful purple path, holding hands. 

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